Is it possible to make the table fillable by users?

Hi Clarissa, You can add questions in the form to collect responses from your users. Currently Formesign does not have the option to add input tables in the form.

Asked by Clarissa Carandang | Sep 12
Hello, I have used your product before and it looks like your pricing has recently changed. I would like the ability to add a payment section which will charge a fixed amount of $200. This should direct the customer to a payment screen via Stripe and then return the user to a response page. I would also like the ability to send a form response notification to an email for our team to capture a completed order. 1. Can you please confirm what Formesign products do I need to subscribe to? 2. How do I complete order (on a monthly basis) for these product capabilities?

Hi Chris, Formesign is for esignatures and HIPAA compliance. If you would like to create registration and collect payments from your users, then you can use the Neartail - Payment forms. Neartail - Payment forms addon Neartail - Payment forms templates Neartail - Payment forms pricing plans When you subscribe to the paid plan, you can choose the monthly option. Monthly subscription is automatically renewed each month. You can cancel it anytime.

Asked by Chris Bahrami | Sep 9
hi My form is in Hebrew, I put it together in Google Forms, I need the signature component, When I try to use Formesign, it converts the file into an HTML format, it's not good for me because the font changes and appears from left to right instead of right to left, I need an option for a signature component only, I mean, the people to whom I will send the file will fill it out normally in Google Forms, and finally the signature component will be in Formesign Is there such a possibility?, and if so, how do I do it?

Hi - Google Forms does not have the signature option. You can use the Formesign - eSignature addon to set up your form and collect signatures when the user submits the form. Please note that you will have to use the Formesign share link to collect responses. Form language When you select Hebrew as the language in the settings page, the text direction will be automatically set to right to left. Login to Formesign > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > In the Formesign Edit page, click on the settings gear icon for the submit section at the end of the form > Button settings page will be displayed > select Hebrew for the language option and click Save.

Asked by אהרון שיקורל | Sep 8
how do i collect a signature?

Hi Jeremy, If you haven't created your form yet, you can use the Formesign templates to create your form and collect signatures from your users. If you have already created your form in Google Forms, you can use the Formesign - eSignature addon to add the signature option in your form and use the Formesign share link to collect responses with signatures in your form. Formesign Signature form templates Formesign - eSignature addon for Google Forms

Asked by Jeremy Goodmurphy | Sep 5
When a user attaches a file to the form, it looks like the form is uploaded to Can we have it directed to our Google drive?

Hi Sarah, When the user uploads a file and submits the response, the link to the uploaded files is recorded as a response for the file upload question. You can click on the link recorded to access the files. If your primary requirement is to collect files and sync it to drive, you can subscribe to the file upload plan 10gb, 100gb or 1tb plan and set up your form to sync the uploaded files to your Google Drive. For details, refer to the help article below. Please note that only the files from the responses after the sync is setup will be synced to Google Drive. Formfacade - File upload addon Setup file upload and sync to drive Formfacade File upload pricing

Asked by Sarah Kim | Sep 5

Formesign is a paid product with 7 day free trial. Users can request a trial extension when their 7 day trial ends by submitting a request. Users who sign up with their work email account get a 3 month trial extension, while other users get a 1 month extension. Your extension request was approve on 24-July and your extended trial ended on 23-August.

Asked by Kuchai lama | Sep 2
Is there a free option ?

Hi Jeylani, Formesign is a paid product with a 7 day free trial. You get the first 20 responses free during this trial period. You will have to subscribe to the paid plan to continue using it after the trial ends.

Asked by Jeylani Amin | Aug 27
I currently have a subscribed to a product for a month. if I cancel my plance will I still have access to look at the images and information entered?

When you cancel your subscription, you will still have access to the Formesign during your subscription period until the end of that billing cycle. After that, you will not be able to access Formesign, but you can view the files synced to your google drive folder and the responses synced to google sheets. If you haven't setup the sync in the form, you should download the files and sync the responses before cancelling the subscription.

Asked by Mhaw*******om | Aug 27
I cannot apply the add-on into my form

Install addon If you have logged in with multiple google accounts in your browser, sometimes the addons may not be installed properly. Open an incognito window in your Chrome browser, login with your google account and install the addon. It should work. Missing menu options If you open your Google Form, click on the add-on icon and select Formesign (or any addon) immediately, sometimes only the Help option is displayed in the menu. This is a Google Workspace issue. Please try clicking on the add-on icon a few mins after opening your Google Form (once the form is loaded); the Formesign menu options will be displayed. Once you configured your form using the Formesign addon, you will have to use the Formesign share link to collect signatures. If you are facing any other issue with the addon, could you please share the details along with the screenshot of error messages.

Asked by rumo*******om | Aug 26
I've put an Email answering after submitting. The text I wrote in the Email answering is not that what I see in my Mailbox. Also the pictures are not correct visual in my Mailbox.

Hi Karlien, please share the screenshot of the message you have setup in Neartail along with the screenshot of the email you received so that we can check this.

Asked by Karlien Claes | Aug 22
| 6 Replies
I looked at your paid packages. My form might go over 5000 responses if not more. Any way we can do that. I only need it for 1 month. reponses might be from 5000 to 10000

Hi Mountasar, if you are expecting over 5,000 responses per month, you can subscribe to the Formesign Compliance Team plan that supports up to 10,000 responses per month. If you need it only for a short term, you can choose the monthly plan, use it for one month and then cancel the subscription before it is renewed for the next month. Formesign Compliance pricing

Asked by Mountasar Al-Lawandi | Aug 18
Error when trying to sync to google drive. After selecting “Signed Forms to Drive” A screen appears with the words “Where do you want to store the signed forms?” Then I get a “ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action.”

Hi - If you have logged in with multiple google accounts in your browser, sometimes you might get the script authorization error. Open an incognito window in Chrome browser, login with your google account and then use the addon. It should work. Please try this and confirm.

Asked by even*******om | Aug 16