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I am trying to enable automatic payment with Venmo, but the Venmo link only takes me to paypal. The paypal link also takes me to paypal.
Asked by Mariah de Nijs | 1 hours ago
I thought I had canceled your services as I'm not using the Add On or form anymore. Is there anyway I can get a refund of the $216? Thanks, Leigh Anne Arthur
Asked by Rusty Nail | 3 hours ago
How to I switch the email addresses for log in and communication?

Hi Cayce, Neartail uses google signin. We do not have the option to transfer subscriptions or ownership. The subscription is linked with the email account used to subscribe to the paid plan. Only that account can be used to customize the form and collect responses.

Asked by Cayce Peterson | 19 hours ago
Hi, I'm using Google Forms and have added Formfacade to allow me to create summaries for customer orders. I need help understanding how to create (a) Cost per product order and (b) Total Order Summary. Let me know how I can achieve this? FYI - my form is filled by about 40 people every week. Regards Ruchi Trivedi

Hi Ruchi, If you have already created a form in Google Forms, you can customize it using the Neartail addon to add amount calculations and show order summary. Otherwise, you can use the Neartail templates to create an order form. Neartail pricing Neartail templates You can pick the preferred template, edit it to add your products and then use the Neartail share link to collect responses. Order amount, summary calculations are included in the templates by default. If required, you can also add discount, tax, delivery fee calculations in your form. Neartail - Order form addon for google forms Open your form in Google Forms > click on the addon icon > click Neartail > click Calculate order amount > select the currency, enable format prices option, click Next > select Calculate amount based on price option, click Proceed > Neartail Edit page will open in a new tab > if required, you can then customize the form and the use the Neartail share link to collect responses.

Asked by Ruchi Trivedi | 19 hours ago
I need to add a QR code image to the collect payment section. It will only let me add in text. How can i do this? Thanks.

Hi - We have integrated with Stripe (Card, Bancontact, Paynow, Cash App, iDeal) and Paypal (Paypal, Venmo) for automated payments. In addition, you can also enable manual & offline payment methods such as UPI, Cash App, Lydia, Zelle, cash on delivery, bank transfer, check. Currently we do not have the option to add custom payment options. What is the preferred payment option in your country? How would you like to collect payments? Please provide the details and I'll share your feedback with our team. You can also send an email with the details directly to

Asked by Noise Saigon | 19 hours ago
Hi. I have a few forms where I've added discount codes. I'm noticing that when the code is applied the discount value and resulting value are going beyond 2 decimal places. I want the discount value and the resulting value after the discount is applied to round up to two decimal places. How do we do this? Thank you.

Hi Jennifer, the amount values in the form will be automatically formatted to 2 decimal places. Please note that these values when synced to google sheets will have the actual value with the corresponding decimals. If the amount is not displayed properly in the form, please share the link for your form along with a sample response.

Asked by Jennifer Moscato | Jul 25
I have an issue where clients will click on the shopping cart icon while adding items and then click the checkout button; however, they are brought back to the first page of the form. Is there any workaround for this issue?

The first page in the form with the required fields will be set as the checkout page by default. You have added the required fields in the home page. That's why it is set as the checkout page. Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > In the Edit page, click on the 9 dots grid icon on the bottom right corner at the end of a section (see screenshot below) > select the preferred page for the "Configure the checkout page" option and click Save.

Asked by Em-Jae Lam | Jul 25
I am being charged for an account I no longer have access to! Please help, I have been charged 3 years!!

Hi Justin, there is no paid subscription linked with your email account. Please send an email to with the last 4 digits of the card used to make the payment and the recent transaction date.

Asked by just*******co | Jul 25
I have tried twice but no email is sent to respondent. Please help tackle, thanks!

Hi - The confirmation emails have not been setup for the form that you shared. Please follow the instructions in the help article below to enable it. Once you have completed the setup, you can submit a response and test the confirmation emails. If you face any issues, you can follow the instructions below to check the email status. Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders > In the Orders page, click on the order to view the details > check the Additional details section. Does it display the email address for the Email respondents ? - By default, it will display the configure link that indicates that the emails have not been set up. - If the emails are configured and sent successfully, email addresses will be displayed. - Otherwise, it will display the error message or 📫 icon next to the email to indicate that the email was not delivered.

Asked by Enterprise Social | Jul 25
Hello, Just getting started and loving it so far. I wanted to see if there is a way for me to set the current stock of an item so I don't oversell if I am out of stock. Thanks!

Hi Ryan, you can set the current stock for an item by enabling the inventory feature. When you enable this feature, you can specify the available stock for each product. Neartail will automatically track the stock levels, and when the stock reaches zero, the product will be marked as sold out, preventing any further orders. For detailed instructions on how to set this up, you can refer to the help article below:

Asked by Pickle Pioneers | Jul 25
It's not letting me configure the points through formfacade

Could you please provide more details about the issue you're experiencing? Are you encountering any specific error messages or problems when trying to configure the points? A screenshot of the issue would also be helpful.

Asked by Bodam Taiwo | Jul 25
hola, he creado un formulario, y he puesto dos formas de pago PayPal y transferencia bancaria, y he agregado un apartado para subir archivos del justificante de pago para las transferecias y he activado la casilla "campo obligatorio" El problema esta cuando un usuario elije pagar con PayPal, tambien le obliga a subir el archivo de justificante y eso no nos interesa, el justificante solo debe ser para el metodo de pago por transferancia, que puedo hacer? necesito ayuda gracias

Hi Juan, Instead of adding the payment details as separate sections in the form, you can enable the preferred payment options such as Paypal (automated) and Bank transfer (manual) in Neartail payment settings. Instructions below. Enable payments Login to Neartail. Click on the form to open it. Edit page will be displayed. In the Neartail Edit page, click on the gear icon next to the Submit button. Button settings will be displayed. Click Enable payments. The payment options supported in your country will be displayed. You can click on the configure link for the Paypal automated payments, connect your Paypal account and enable payments. Similarly, you can enable the bank transfer payment option and add the bank account details for the wire transfer. Once you complete the setup, you can use the Neartail share link to submit a response and test the payment process to ensure everything is working correctly.  Automated payments (Paypal) When this option is enabled, users will be able to submit the order only if the payment is successful. Please note Stripe, Paypal charges a transaction fee.  Manual payments (Bank transfer) When the user submits the form, the responses are recorded and then the payment details are displayed. Please note that you will have to manually reconcile payments by checking the transactions.  When a user places an order, the payment status will be either marked as "Pending" (not paid) by default. If the user clicks on the Mark as paid button, the status will be updated as "Paid, not verified". Once you verify the payment, you can mark the order as "Paid". Please note that Neartail does not have the option to upload files for Bank transfer payment.

Asked by juan Garcia | Jul 24
Hi, My customers are having truble with the "continue with your last order" message when they enter the form again. The issue is not with the option itself, but it interfere with the current configuration of the form. Is there a way I can turn off that option? I want that every time the cosumer enters the form, it shows them a brand new one.

Hi Rafael, the autosave option is enabled by default. Currently it cannot be turned off.

Asked by Rafael Garza Lira | Jul 24
| 2 Replies
Can I add fields to imported form

Hi Clay, you can add new fields or edit existing fields in your form using the Formfacade Editor. If you face any issues, please let us know.

Asked by Clay Carson | Jul 24
Dear Formfacade Team, Thank you for your effort in developing these calculation features in Google Forms. Currently, I'm using Formfacade to modify my Google Form questionnaire and assign value points for survey purposes. However, there are a few issues along the way that I'd like to ask: 1. When I tried to assign SCORE to calculate all the sum points of assigned values of a section - the SCORE value came up on the Formfacade website, but not on the Google Form website. The score values resulting from the answer I inputted in the Formfacade website can be found on Google Form Responses, along with the Excel sheets exported from Google Form. Interestingly, if I input the answer in Google Forms, the score values were not on display, even after submission. Are the score values only exclusively available on the Formfacade website? Or is it a matter of a failure of settings/ glitch in the system? I would like to see the scores on the Google Forms website. Can we work around this, or does this mean to use this calculation feature, I have to subscribe to Formfacade and use the questionnaire only on the Formfacade website? 2. As I am trying the questionnaire I modified in Formfacade myself, I have made several attempts to fill out the questionnaire to test for glitches. On the Formfacade's Responses Page, I'm trying to delete the practice submissions, yet I could not seem to delete them. They appeared in the Abandoned section and even if I clicked the delete button, they're still there. These practice submissions also cannot be moved to Trash. Even on Trash, they cannot be deleted as well. I'm concerned about the confusion of data cleaning if I cannot seem to delete a failed entry/ dirty data. Is there any way to delete these dirty data permanently? 3. When I tried to export the questionnaire results from Formfacade's website, there were many error messages. It said the sheets failed to sync. But when I looked at the downloaded sheets, I saw that they actually contained the submission reports, even the submitted and the trash ones. Is there any way to download only the submitted results and not the trashed ones? I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Best, Prieska

Score calculations Google Forms does not have the option to assign different points for answer choices and calculate scores. You will have to use the Formfacade - Assign points addon to add score calculations in your google form. Please note that you must use the Formfacade share link or the embed code to collect responses. Otherwise, customization and score calculations will not work. When you use the Formfacade link, the responses will be recorded in Formfacade and Google Forms. You can sync google forms responses to google sheets as well. Score calculations is a paid feature. You must subscribe to the paid plan to use it after the trial ends. For pricing detials, refer to the links below. Formfacade - Assign points pricing Formfacade - Enhance pricing Delete abandoned responses You cannot change the status of the abandoned responses, but you can delete them. Please note that you will not be able to delete the responses created in the last 48 hours. Login to Formfacade > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Responses > In the Responses page, click on the three dots more icon next to the Abandoned status > click Delete All > select All responses and click Confirm. This will delete all responses created before 48 hrs. Delete responses You can move redundant responses to Trash status. These responses will not be included in the Reports. If the Strict privacy is enabled, these responses will be permanently deleted after 7 days. Login to Formfacade > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Responses > In the Responses page, you can drag and drop (place the cursor on the profile image/default icon to drag) responses to the Trash status or click on an response to view the details, select the Trash status for the Move to option and click Submit. When you move a response to the Trash status, any uploaded files will be deleted. Once deleted, you cannot access these files. Enable Strict Privacy to delete responses You can enable the privacy option to delete the responses in Abandoned and Trash status permanently. Login to Formfacade > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Responses > In the Responses page, click on the three dots next to the Abandoned or Trash status > You can enable the privacy settings and click Save. When enabled, the responses in Abandoned and Trash status will be automatically deleted after 7 days. Please note that the Abandoned status will be hidden when the Privacy option is enabled. Export responses When the user fills the form and submits, the response is recorded in Formfacade and Google Forms. You can sync Google Forms responses to Google Sheets. This will only include the answers for the questions in the form including the total score if you have set up your form to record it in Google Forms. Sync Google Forms responses to Google Sheets Open your form in Google Forms, click Responses and click on the spreadsheet icon to sync responses to Google Sheets. All the fields in the form are included as columns and each row is a response. Export points and responses data from Scorecery reports Login to Formfacade > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Reports > click on the Export button in the bottom right corner. Please note that all the responses will be synced to Sheets. There will be three tabs in the Google Sheets (1) Responses - Shows the answers for all the questions in the form (2) Scores - Shows the points for individual questions along with the answers for other form fields (3) Q & A - You can use pivot table to analyse the data and create aggregate reports.

Asked by Prieska Dinda Astriena | Jul 24