
WHS Robotics Club

The Robotics Club is part of Wapakoneta High School and takes part in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). The team was founded in 2015 and started out competing in FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) but moved up the highest level of competition, FRC, during the 2022-23 school year. During the rookie FRC season, the team won the Rookie All-Star Award and advanced to the World Championships in Houston, TX.

As a team we combine our talents into a successful group that can be both triumphant, but also encouraging for our peers and in the Community around us. We have members from all different types of backgrounds, and grades, that when combined can truly create something amazing. This team wouldn't be possible without the generous contributions from local business and organizations, including our primary team sponsor, Wapak VFW Post 8445.