2024 Women's Sports Leadership VIP SUMMIT

The NCAA and Women Leaders would like to formally invite you to the inaugural Women's Sports Leadership VIP SUMMIT. This event will be hosted on Thursday, April 4 & Friday, April 5, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio for the Women's Final Four. 

Please note that attendees are responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. However, food and hospitality costs will be covered for both Thursday and Friday. One (1) 2024 NCAA Women’s Final Four all-session game ticket would be provided complimentary, too.

*Be advised you are required to check in to the Hotel by Wednesday, April 3rd, 3 PM ET. if attending!

Event Details

Thursday, April 4th 2024 

3:00 PM        Arrivals/Check-in

4-5:30 PM     Think Tank Session #1

5:30-8 PM     Reception & Dinner

Friday, April 5th, 2024

11-11:45 AM    VIP Summit Public Panel w/ Media Availability

12-1:30 PM     Think Tank Session #2 & Working Lunch

4:30-6:15 PM NCAA Pre-Game Party 

7PM              NCAA WFF Semifinals 

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