Scopa Bee Home Data Submission


Scopa Bee Home Data Submission

Use this form to capture and submit data for the Scopa bee home project. If you have any questions at all about this process, feel free to ask at

Who is doing the data submission?

Your school email address

Note: if your school is missing from this list, please email us at and we'll add it in.
Use this form to submit photos of any occupied nesting blocks that you have. Try to fill the frame as much as possible and make sure it's in focus so that we can see the small details. If you suspect that what you see inside the block is not a bee or a wasp, submit it anyway before evicting them so that we can better understand the types of species that are using the cavities to nest. Please attach the photos from your occupied nests here.

Try to submit all the photos from a given day at the same time. If you took photos over multiple days, you can submit them as separate entries.

It's important for us to know the time between photos so that we can understand how the nests are developing over time. If this is your first time submitting, use Jan 1, 2024 as the last date.

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