SAGE Leadership Consultancy Services Order Form

We provide sustainable solutions for human capital and organizational development needs, and offer fundamental corporate compliance assistance to companies & businesses.

Human Resources


✓ HR Processes – Policies and Compliance

✓ Talent Management – Onboarding to Resigning

✓ Recruitment Support

Contract Package:

PHP 120,000*48 mos.

/ PHP 2,880,000

Human Resources Management

Leadership and Development


✓ Manager Development Program

✓ Coaching

Contract Package:

PHP 60,000*3 mos. /

PHP 180,000

Leadership Development Training

Organizational Development


✓ Sales Capability Assessment and Training

✓ Service and Market Alignment (Service

Offering to Exploring Solutions Development)

✓ KPI Analysis

Contract Package:

PHP 90,000*3 mos. /

PHP 270,000

Organizational Development Transformation

Digital Organizational Development


✓Digital Marketing Training Phase 1 : Context

o Needs analysis – team and organization

o Output – Organizational Profile

✓Digital Marketing Training Phase 2 : Design and Implementation

o Output – Organizational Toolkit

✓Digital Marketing Training Phase 3 : Analysis and


o Output – Audit

Contract Package:

PHP 610,000 – All Phases

Complete Digital Organizational Development

✓Digital Marketing Training Phase 1 : Context

o Needs analysis – team and organization

o Output – Organizational Profile

PHP 200,000 – Phase 1 (Context)

Digital Marketing Training Phase 1 : Context

✓Digital Marketing Training Phase 2 : Design and Implementation

o Output – Organizational Toolkit

PHP 270,000 – Phase 2 (Design)

Digital Marketing Training Phase 2 : Design and Implementation

Output – Audit

PHP 140,000 – Phase 3 (Audit)

Digital Marketing Training Phase 3 : Analysis and Optimization

Payroll & Bookkeeping


✓ Timekeeping

✓ Government Benefits

✓ Tax Filing and Reporting

Contract Package:

PHP 30,000*12 mos. /

PHP 180,000

Payroll and Bookkeeping

Order Summary

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