Perfection Plus Limited

Pplus Limited
In The Beginning The year was 1998 when two artistically inclined, brothers decided that they needed an outlet for the creative skills passed to them genetically. A heritage of craftsmanship with its roots in Jamaica was birthed into them by their mother – a missionary to Kenya, who had in turn been mentored by her own mother while growing up in Jamaica. Thus, Perfection Plus Limited (Pplus) was born. Starting its nascent journey with a solid Christian foundation, Pplus takes pride of place as a catalyst to the establishment of the wooden gift items industry – apart from curios – in Kenya. Pplus has put much effort into inspiring the informal jua kali wood industry to make the transition from using hardwoods to the more sustainable Jacaranda wood as the base material for carvings and household items. Our range of products are made from locally sourced materials, and though with an African bias, they are made with the influence and experience spanning five countries, namely Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Sweden and USA. Vision: To evangelize and edify the world by providing opportunities for the socially & economically underprivileged to produce high quality products of art & craft. mission: To penetrate as many markets as possible with holistic and edifying messages through high quality art and craft products. Core values: Faith: believing in the One True Almighty God and the part He plays in our lives and work Wholistic development: striving for excellence in quality, sustainability, team work and partnerships Innovation: harnessing technology & our God-given creativity.