Our Cause

Please Help Us Make a Difference

Many church families have challenges adjusting to the current needs facing today’s community. While we already provide a safe place for people to learn and develop spiritually, we need your help to further assist the members of this community. You can help City of Faith Church's quest to further provide support to the community. When you participate in our personal safety fundraiser you support our effort while receiving a quality safety item. Every purchase helps us meet our goal. 

Your support is key to moving forward toward solving this problem for the families in our membership. Your participation is extremely important because it offers immediate resources that are directed to current needs. 

We are so grateful to you for helping support our committed team of membership. Everyone here who works to serve our church community joins me in thanking you for your generous partnership and support. Please participate today. All of us are counting on your support. 

As church ministry advances, we are committed to staying at the cutting edge – for you, for your loved ones, for every person in the community. Please help to make this possible with your participation.

Your donation is helping to make our community safer and healthier. Right here. Right now.

Thank you so much for your help.

City of Faith Church Memphis

(EC 9719)

Schedule an Event:

Personal Safety Fundraisers
