PacDev paper submission

Paper proposals are due on December 2, 2024 at 11:59pm PST.  The conference welcomes submissions in all research topics in development economics. While priority will be given to full papers, extended abstracts will also be considered. We encourage submissions from junior researchers, including PhD students.

Please make sure to include a valid email address with your submission. You will be sent a confirmation to that email address after you submit the form. 

Please attach your paper/abstract. The paper must be in a pdf format and be less than 10 megabytes in size. Please name the file "lastname-firstname.pdf", where this last name/first name match the ones in your response above (e.g., if your name were Jane Doe, you would send a file named "Doe-Jane.pdf").

Note: If you have difficulty uploading your paper, you can instead send an email with your file to, with the subject line "PacDev 2025 submission-lastname-lastname". Even if you do this, you still MUST submit this form so that we can connect your file to your other author details.

If there are multiple fields that may apply, please select the one that you think best fits your paper. If you feel that none of these fields is a good description of your paper, you can select "general development economics". This question will be used to help match you to paper reviewers in your field.

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