NDDP Staff Christmas Giving 2024


NDDP Teacher and Staff Christmas Giving

It's that time of year again when you may be looking for a gift for those fabulous individuals that work for Notre Dame of De Pere.  Please do not feel obligated, but this is an option to contribute to a group gift certificate that is given to each of the individuals that work at NDDP.  

Through this process, as a family, you can easily contribute to a group $crip Gift Certificate that is given to each staff member during the holiday season.  Each recipient will be able to redeem their certificate for whichever $crip retailer they would like.  The recipient's certificate will recognize all of the families that contributed.

This is not mandatory, but those families who want to participate can give as much they choose to contribute to one or more teacher or staff member. Please kindly give any amount in denominations of $5 increments.  

This year, we ask you to please fill out this form to track your families' contributions.  Once this form is submitted, please print the final form and send a check to school in an envelope addressed to "Christmas Gift Certificates" made payable to Notre Dame $crip.  Don't worry, these directions will be available again once you submit this form. 

Please be sure to add in amounts using whole numbers (no dollar signs).  


If you have any questions, please contact Holly Thomson at 715-207-9561 or hollythomson416@gmail.com.