Manchester Club Anniversary Tickets

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Manchester Club Anniversary Tickets

200 Tickets are now available for members–any extras will be made available once the number members/spouses attending is determined. Please indicate whether you're coming by responding to this registration form. Make checks payable to "The Manchester Club" and add "Cruiseport" to the memo. All checks must be received by 8/1/2021 and should be sent to The Manchester Club Box 364 Manchester MA 01944 Tickets will cost $60 per person and includes this awesome menu: • Tenderloin/Baked Haddock • Hors D’oeuvres (5) • Raw Bar • Cheese Bar • Full Open Bar set up (not just wine and beer) • Dessert You only need to fill this form out once. You'll get an email response that you're registered. SAVE that email in case you want to change your mind or add a guest. Thanks.