Registration Form

Ready to Krawl for Kevin?! Register here so we can plan for a SUPERFun day honoring Kevin and raising money for ALK Positive Cancer Research! Can't join in on the fun? Buy a tee/support here.

Registration (includes a t-shirt!) is limited to 75 and is on a first come basis. Register now!

Details?: We will email you before the Krawl with more details:

  • There is a Room Rate at the Doubletree Hotel (use this link) Code: LYS - rooms must be reserved by May 18.

  • Plan to meet the busses the Doubletree Hotel (1521 W. Pinhook Road) on Saturday June 3, 2023 at 10:15 for a 10:45 am sharp departure.

  • We will have your t-shirt at the bus. A uniform of Chaco's/Teva's and Jorts in honor of Kevin are recommended!

  • After that, sit back, relax and we will pass a good time!

  • We expect to return to the Doubletree around 8 pm that evening.

  • Never Krawled with our Krewe? Contact us: Andree- or Joe

Payment: This form will direct you to our Venmo (@ALK4Kevin) to pay and finalize your registration (which includes a t-shirt you will get to wear for the day of the crawl). If you have payment issues contact Adam at 225-235-2333 or

Person Registering (if registering for multiple people, please only enter one name here)