For every bar purchased, 10% of sales will go to A New Way of Life, an organization providing housing and support for formerly incarcerated women for successful community reentry, family reunification, and individual healing. They work to restore the civil rights, empower, organize and mobilize formerly incarcerated people as advocates for social change and personal transformation.
Greener Life Club is an organization considered certified fair trade of all their ingredients, has a carbon neutral footprint, is animal healthy and biosafety conscientious.o Dedicated to producing products and services that promote a greener life.o Striving to provide shoppers reliable information about the health, social, animal welfare and environmental attributes of a product at the point of purchase.o Implementing good manufacturing and/or re-packaging practices in the production of the products they sell. Joanie & Larae's Soap Co. reuses good condition boxes to ship products to our customers.
If you would like more bars than what is listed in the drop down menu, or if you are interested in custom made orders, please feel free to send a message on Facebook or email: to see what I have available. I use quality ingredients and do my best to create a bar that will suit all your cleansing needs. Happy shoapping!
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