Addiction to Technological Gadgets and its Impact on the Health and Lifestyle of Grade 12 ICT students in Nagpayong Senior High School S.Y. 2022-2023


Addiction to Technological Gadgets and its Impact on the Health and Lifestyle of Grade 12 ICT students in Nagpayong Senior High School S.Y. 2022-2023

Dear fellow students,

Good day!

We are students from Grade 12 ICT 3 Students of Nagpayong Senior High school presently conducting a study entitled Addiction to Gadgets and its impact on the health and lifestyle of Grade 12 ICT students in Nagpayong Senior High School S.Y. 2022-2023. With your related knowledge and experience, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents in our study. We hope that you will be able to give your precious time to answer our questionnaire.

Rest assured that all information you would share will be strictly confidential and shall be used for academic purpose only.

Thank you very much for sharing your precious time and effort. GOD bless.


Instructions: Please accurately fill or check the required information below.

Always Sometimes Seldom Never
I use my gadget while in school
I spend my whole day focusing on gadgets
I continually use gadgets without a break.
When I have free time, I use my gadget
I spend more time on technology than I do studying or working out
Always Sometimes Seldom Never
Do you use gadgets to look for health, dieting, or physical fitness information?
Do you use gadgets for entertainment and stress relievers?
Do gadgets improve your capacity for learning and communication?
Would you rather play on your gadgets that start your schoolwork?
Do you use gadgets during your study time?