繼續為2024新春聯歡會籌款,此次小吃義賣為線上訂購 。
由義工Carol與校長展現專業級的廚藝,所義務製作的碗粿、台式肉燥醬 、薑母鴨、西班牙巴斯克乳酪蛋糕、日式輕乳酪蛋糕、台式油飯。
預購截止:Monday 12/04/2023, 11:59PM
領取日期:Saturday 12/09/2023, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
領取地點:Irvington High School Room 24
PayPal (agatha_poon@yahoo.com)
Venmo (@agatha-poon), last 4 digits of the phone number: 0118
Zelle (607-217-8283 as YA-LAN)
1. 要付款才算訂購完成,付款方式可以選擇 PayPal, Venmo, 或是 Zelle。
2. 付款時,請選擇 **Friend and Family**。
3. 數量有限,先到先得,如果在完成訂購後,我們才發現某品項售罄,我們會在12/07/2023以前以email 通知,並退還該品項的款項。
4. 請帶冷藏箱(cooler)或冷藏保溫袋來領取蛋糕。
5. 逾期未領不退款。
We will continue raising funds for the 2024 Lunar New Year event with this online food fundraising.
These authentic cuisines are made voluntarily and provided by Carol and principal Ray.
Pre-order deadline: Monday 12/04/2023, 11:59PM
Pickup date: Saturday 12/09/2023, 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Pickup location: Irvington High School Room 24
Payment methods:
PayPal (agatha_poon@yahoo.com)
Venmo (@agatha-poon), last 4 digits of the phone number: 0118
Zelle (607-217-8283 as YA-LAN)
Please note:
1. You need to pay in full for completing the order. You can choose to pay by PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle.
2. While making the payment, please select **Friend and Family**.
3. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE: If an item you ordered is sold out, you will be notified by email by 12/07/2023, and you will be refunded with the amount paid for the item.
4. Please bring an ice cooler or cooler bag to pick up the cake.
5. No refund if the order is not picked up.