Eastern Marching Vikings - SHOUT OUTS

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Eastern Marching Vikings - SHOUT OUTS

Parents, grandparents, families and friends! You are invited to send a "shout out" to our hard-working Eastern Marching Vikings Band and Color Guard. Your special message will be included in the booklet that will be available at the competition on October 23rd.

"Shout Outs" are text only - no images, no pictures, etc. Please limit each "shout out" message to 150 characters, including spaces. Please complete all of the items in the form below. No paper copies of messages for Shout Outs please.

You may submit multiple "shout outs" on this form. Each "shout out" is $5.00. You can pay online/electronically for your Shout Outs using VENMO.

Or, if you wish to pay by cash or check, please follow these steps: 1) complete this online form and Submit 2) Print out a copy of your emailed receipt. 3) Give the paper receipt and your payment to an EVBA Board Member.

All "Shout Outs" forms and payment MUST be received by Friday, October 14th