Bedrex Showcase 2023 Submission form

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Bedrex Showcase 2023 Submission form

Thanks for joining BEDREX SHOWCASE 2023!


❗ 有機會需要Audition的隊伍: Angus, Angus X Gabe, Canny, Chickie, Christy, Geoff, Gabe, Jolin, Kalok, Karen, Winwin X KC (必須參與Audition) \\\*不用交全數, 只需要交 $200留位費\\\* ❗


例子: 你是一位成人, 在網站上已報了A+B+C TEAMS, B & C teams 有機會需要 Audition, 所以繳付總數為: Team A ($1740) + B & C 留位費 ($400)


1) 上載銀行過數記錄 (包括留位費及全費的記錄 )
2) 有效全日制學生證 (\\\*如有\\\*)
3) 一張大頭照片 (4厘米 X 5厘米, 不能帶口罩)
(製作證件之用, 請注意!表演當日需全程佩戴出入証件。)



Thanks for joining BEDREX SHOWCASE 2023!


❗ For teams which might need Audition: Angus, Angus X Gabe, Canny, Chickie, Christy, Geoff, Gabe, Jolin, Kalok, Karen, Winwin X KC (Audition is required) please only pay for reservation fee. ❗

For other teams, please pay for the full payment & submit this form within 5 days.

e.g. You are an adult & applied for A+B+C teams on the website, Team B & C might need audition. The total amount you need to pay will be: Team A ($1740) + B & C reservation fee ($400)

Please fill in the Google Form to complete you application.
1) Upload the payment record (Including Reservation fee & full team fee),
2) Valid full-time student ID (if any)
3) headshot photo(4cm X 5cm, without mask)
(For showcase pass in Starhall)  

p.s. Please read for Terms & Conditions on our website before paying/applying for showcase.