2024 Nursing Council Review Class

Achieve Your Goals with Us: Join Our Ultimate Exam Review Class!

To achieve a maximum success rate in your upcoming council examination, and in response to requests for guidance, we aim to provide effective support to ease your study path. Our goal is to ensure that you take effective measures to achieve a 100% pass rate. We understand how overwhelming this process can be, and we are here to provide both moral and academic support.

To make our intention achievable without overwhelming you, we have come up with a review class. We understand the volume of material you need to study and the time required. Therefore, instead of an intensive tutorial class, we decided on a review class. Rigorous self-study is crucial, but you also need to evaluate your progress, assess information retention, and stay on track. This is the reason behind the review class initiative.

Active participation benefits everyone. Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Assess your knowledge and understanding of a topic.
2. Fill in gaps missed during self-study.
3. Revise previously studied material.
4. Gain a better understanding of demanding topics.
5. Earn rewards for your effort, commitment, and dedication.

1. We will have a monthly intense test/examination on specific topics, simulating the actual exam mode.
2. The test will be in Paper-pencil Objective form with a minimum of 50 questions.
3. A strict registration form will be sent out, and we will only accept the first 50 registrants. Each registrant will be allocated a unique number.
4. A timetable detailing the topics for each test will be developed and shared. This timetable will be open for suggestions within a specified period.
5. Scores for each test will be recorded and summed up at the end of the program to identify the top three participants for rewards. We also plan to reward the best performer after each test, God willing.

1. Registration is mandatory for participation.
2. You must commit to staying engaged throughout the program.
3. Absence from two consecutive tests without permission will result in dismissal from the program. (Non-germane excuses will not be tolerated.)
4. Cheating twice consecutively will result in immediate submission of the test for that day, and the test score may not be recorded.

To ensure participation and accommodate everyone's schedule, the test date will be decided collectively. Please be honest and considerate when suggesting dates.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to supporting you and achieving great success together.

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