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Molly Lee


I want the total to take the order amount then multiply by .08 or 8% tax and then add delivery. I also want the customer to be able to order multiple of same item. The form will not submit and it will not let the customer pay
#1 Form setup You have created your form in Google Forms. You have used multiple choice questions for items with prices. While this will work for amount calculations, I'd recommend you to convert fields into products so that you can allow users to select multiple items and also more than one quantity for an item. There are two options. (1) You can use the Neartail templates to create your form (2) When you customize the form using the Neartail addon, convert fields (items with prices) into products and then add amount, tax, delivery, next amount calculations. #2 Tax calculations There are two options to calculate taxes. (1) setup taxes for each product and the use the standard TAX() formula to calculate the taxes (2) calculate the tax as a fixed percentage of order amount. Setup tax for product Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > In the Edit page, click on the gear icon next to the product > update the tax percentage and click Save. Repeat the steps to set up the tax percentage for each product where applicable. Calculate tax In the Edit page, click on the Add price field button > select Tax, click Next > select Standard calculation using TAX() formula, click Next > click Create. Or In the Edit page, click on the Add price field button > select Tax, click Next > select Percentage %, click Next > select 8% of order amount and click Create. #3 Delivery fee calculations You have added a multiple choice question with delivery, pick up options. Instead of adding the delivery fee in the answer choices, you can use the CHARGE function to calculate the delivery fee separately. Add delivery, pickup options (already added) In the Edit page, click on the Add field button > enter the title "Delivery or Pickup”, select Dropdown widget, click Create > enter Pickup and Delivery as the answer choices (see below) and click Save. Free Front Porch Pick-up Delivery to a private residence or business in Florence Delivery to Frances Marion University Delivery to a hospital in Florence Delivery to Trinity Collegiate School in Darlington Calculate delivery fee In the Edit page, click on the Add price field button > select Delivery fee, click Next > select Custom calculation, click Next > Enter the below formula and click Create. CHARGE(Delivery or Pickup, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10) 0 is the fee for the first answer choice (Free Front Porch Pick-up), 5 is the fee for the second answer choice (Delivery to a private residence or business in Florence), 10 is the fee for the third answer choice (Delivery to Frances Marion University) and so on. CHARGE function allows you to assign a fee for the different answer choices. You can add the fees separated by a comma for each answer choice. #4 Calculate total amount including tax, delivery fee In the Edit page, click on the Add price field button > select Net amount, click Next > select Standard calculation using NETTOTAL() formula, click Next > click Create.
Wed Feb 28 2024