Huy Ta Avatar

Huy Ta


Hi there, I would like to create a short answer question, in which the customer will key-in the number and this amount will be added to the total sum. I managed to add this question, however, I'm not able to add the currency to this field. May I know how to add the currency to this field?
Hi Huy, Currently Neartail does not have the option to format the answers entered by the users. You can only format the calculated answers as currency. If you have added a short question where users have to enter the amount, then you can update the title, description to provide the necessary information. For example, the title for the short answer question could be "Tips (in $)" and the description could be "Please enter the amount without the $ currency symbol".
Wed Sep 04 2024
I understand for single variant product, there is a setting for user to key in the preferred quantity. However, for product with multiple variant, this feature does not seem to be present. May you advise this?
Hi Huy, If you add a product to be sold by quantity or with multiple variants (Ex. T-shirts with different colors and sizes), you can enable the + - spinner widget that allows the users to enter the preferred quantity. Currently, this feature is not supported for products sold by variant (Ex. T-shirts with different sizes or T-shirts with different colors).
Fri Sep 06 2024
Hi, Is there a function to search the order in the neartail app by name instead of email? I can’t seem to find this featuee
Hi Huy, Currently Neartail mobile app does not have the option to search your inbox / orders by customer name. You can only search by email.
Tue Sep 10 2024