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Jennifer Moscato

One Third Stories

| United States

One Third Stories harnesses the joy of story time to gradually introduce children to new languages. Our story kits include a beautifully illustrated story book, an audiobook narrated by a native speaker, an activity book, flashcards, and additional activities.

Hi. I would like to use the Neartail addon. I see that I can add quantity as an option. Can the quantity be a short answer so that the customer can fill in any amount desired or do I need to create choices for them (1, 2, 3, 4, etc)? Thank you!
If you add products to be sold by quantity or weight, you can allow the users to enter the preferred quantity. To enable the spinner widget, you can delete the default quantity options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for that product. Please note that this option will not work for products with variants. Also, the inventory and bulk discount feature is not supported for these products.
Fri Feb 23 2024
1) I created my form using your "clothing" template. When I preview your clothing template, it looks like the customer selects size and then gets an option to select quantity. When I use this form, it doesn't look that way at all. I can't attach an image here to show you. It looks like a "matrix" or likert-type Google form question. 2) Will customers see the Neartail domain when they click on the link for my form? I do not want that.
Hi Jennifer, please find the answers below. Form layout You can either choose the Compact, Comfortable or Default layout. - In the default layout, it will display the products in the standard form layout. Textbox, dropdown, grid & other form widgets will be used for products and fields in the form. If a product does not have any images, no placeholder image will be displayed. This is the layout you are currently using in your form. - In the compact layout, products will be displayed in a 3-column layout with large images and product description (note: products will be displayed in a 2-column layout on mobile devices). Add to cart button will be displayed for products. - In the comfortable layout, products will be displayed like a list in a 2 column layout with smaller thumbnail product images (note: products will be displayed in a 1-column layout on mobile devices). Add to cart button will be displayed for products. Change layout (Old editor) Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click on the gear icon next to the form title > Form settings page will be displayed > click Appearance > select the preferred layout and click Save. Change layout (New editor) Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click on the form title to select it > click on the three dots more icon > click Advanced setting > Form settings page will be displayed > click Appearance > select the preferred layout and click Save. Collect responses You can either use the short link to collect responses or embed the form on your website and use the url of that webpage to collect responses. The short link will have the domain. The embedded form will have the custom domain of your website. Please note that some features such as cart page search are not supported in the embedded form. You can also automatically create a website from your form. The standard url for the website will be<storename>. If you subscribe to the Neartail Site builder annual plan, you can map a custom domain to your website. Create a website Site builder plans
Fri Feb 23 2024
Hi. I'm required to provide a list of all of my products along with pricing to become an approved vendor for a school. I took a lot of my time to create my Neartail form and don't wish to recreate it. Is it possible to get a pdf of my form (not a submitted order)?
Hi Jennifer, we do not have the option to download the form as a PDF file, but you can preview the form and use the browser print option to save the form as PDF. I have printed your form and sent an email with this PDF file for your reference. If required, you can print other forms.
Wed Mar 27 2024
I'm not sure how to format the form and/or email so that the person's address will show up in the email and in the attached pdf. I will need that so that I know what address to send the order to. Thank you!
Hi Jennifer, You can add a short answer question with text email response validation to collect email address from the form respondents. If you are collecting email address in the form, then you can set up confirmation emails to be send to the form respondents. You can also set up email notifications to be sent to your email. If required, you can choose to attach the form response as pdf in the email. Please note that this pdf cannot be customized. Send confirmation email to customers when they submit their order. Send notification email to your team for new orders: Email content You can customize the message to include payment details, delivery instructions etc and use either of these formulas in the email message to show an order summary. ${BILL()} This will show a summary of the products ordered in the bill format. It will include the product name, quantity, unit price and amount ${response()} This will show a summary of all the answers in the form (products ordered + other fields in the form such as contact details, email, delivery address etc)
Thu May 09 2024
How do you unhide a "Status" in the Orders section? I was able to add some and move some and I believe that I "hid" one - Abandoned. However, I cannot figure out how to "unhide" it. Can you please assist?
Unhide status If you have hidden Abandoned or Trash status, then you can unhide it. Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders > In the Orders page, click on the three dots more icon next to the Submitted (or any of the visible status) > click Hide > check the hidden status and click Save. Strict Privacy When the privacy option is enabled, the Abandoned status will be automatically hidden. To update the settings, login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders > In the Orders page, click on the three dots next to the Trash status > You can enable or disable the privacy settings. Please try this and confirm.
Wed May 15 2024
Users are abandoning a couple of our forms. This may be for a variety of reasons, just like people leave websites and abandon shopping carts. However, I don't currently have a way to reach out to those who exit the form. Can the form be set to automatically collect emails, and if so, does that feature require people to be signed into a Google account? Are there other ways that I can follow up with people who have visited the form?
The autosave option is enabled by default. When a user starts filling the form, Neartail saves their response as a draft for 3 hrs. If the user starts filling the form, doesn't submit it, but returns within 3hrs, he can choose to continue from where he left off or start from scratch. Form owners can view these responses under the Abandoned status in the Neartail Orders page. View abandoned orders with contact details Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders> In the Orders page, click on the three dots next to the Abandoned status > click Contactable > select Email or Phone and click confirm to search for abandoned orders with contact details. Send reminder email You can also send a reminder email with the link to complete the form. In the Neartail Orders page, click on three dots more icon next to the Abandoned status > click Contactable > Select the Email address option and click Search > List of responses with the customer email details will be displayed > Click on a response to view the details > click on the Customer email to compose the message > The default email will be created based on the email template. You can update the message and click Send. Setup email template and send abandon emails
Tue Jul 02 2024
Hi. I have a few forms where I've added discount codes. I'm noticing that when the code is applied the discount value and resulting value are going beyond 2 decimal places. I want the discount value and the resulting value after the discount is applied to round up to two decimal places. How do we do this? Thank you.
Hi Jennifer, the amount values in the form will be automatically formatted to 2 decimal places. Please note that these values when synced to google sheets will have the actual value with the corresponding decimals. If the amount is not displayed properly in the form, please share the link for your form along with a sample response.
Thu Jul 25 2024
My form has several required fields. I have the form set up so that it emails the respondents a pdf of the form and then I can typically see all of the answered questions in the form. I am noticing that in two recent form submissions, I cannot find the answers to two required questions. The form was submitted, not abandoned. Can you please advise?
You should never add required fields in the home page. If you choose to do that, then you must not add category quick navigation or products in the home page or enable the search option in your form. You have added two required fields in the home page that also have the products. Users will be able to add products to the cart, click on the cart icon to view the cart page and then click on the call to action button in the Cart page to navigate to the checkout page (P.O. Form Request) without filling the answers for the two required fields in the home page. That's why users were able to submit the response without filling all the required fields. You can either move the required fields to the "P.O. Form Request" page or split the home page into two pages. The form will have the home page with the two required fields, a page with products and the P.O. Form Request page with the summary and the contact details you would like to collect.
Fri Aug 02 2024
| 3 Replies
I can't figure out how to properly set the discount and net price fields so that they round to the "tenths" place. Right now, the numbers do not round and so they do not look like prices.
The amount values in the form will be automatically formatted to 2 decimal places. Please note that these values when synced to google sheets will have the actual value with the corresponding decimals. If the amount is not displayed properly in the form, please share the link for your form along with a sample response.
Fri Aug 02 2024
I received an email from your support team with one of my forms with the following message. Can you tell me what this means? Error: Submit failed Message: Couldn't connect to server. Submit it again. Contact owner, if this error occurs repeatedly.
Hi Jennifer, When the user submits the form, the response is recorded in Neartail and Google Forms. If there are any issues with submitting the form or recording the responses in Google Forms, we show an error message to the user and also send a notification email to the form creator. The submit can fail because there is an issue with the form, internet connectivity issue etc. The notification email will include the error message, draft id, link to the response (abandoned or submitted). You can click on the link in the notification email, check the status message at the top form and, if not submitted, then submit the form to check if you are getting any error messages. Or, Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders > In the Orders page, click on the order to view the details > click on the three dots more icon > click Edit > the response will open in a new tab > click Submit and check if you are getting any error messages.
Wed Sep 04 2024