Ray's Bottle of Joe Order Form

Untuk pemesanan Thai Cold Milk Bun dan Minuman Botolan Ray's Bottle of Joe!

Thai Cold Milk Bun

Produk Kolaborasi RBoJ dengan Chef Arief

Rp65.000 Thai Cold Milk Bun Butter
Rp65.000 Thai Cold Milk Bun Pandan
Rp65.000 Thai Cold Milk Bun Chocolate
Rp25.000 Add-On Belgium Chocolate Sauce (Dark, Milk, and White)

Ray's Bottle of Joe Signature Bottled Drinks

Minuman Botolan Khas Ray's Bottle of Joe 250ml

Rp38.000 Thai Tea
Rp38.000 Regallatte (Cold Brew)
Rp38.000 Nutellatte (Cold Brew)
Rp38.000 Palm Sugar Cold Brew Latte (Aren)
Rp38.000 Hazelnut Latte (Cold Brew)

1 Liter Drinks

Rp65.000 Coconut Paradise (Air Kelapa Murni dengan daging kelapa, chia seeds, dan nata de coco)
Rp110.000 Nutellatte
Rp110.000 Regallatte
Made with neartail