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order form

All prices are per biscuit/tart and you may select from packs of 4, 8, 12 or 24.

After you fill out this order form, we will confirm your order and delivery address via email within 24 hours.

Orders officially close on Monday 5th December 2022, any order placed after this date are strictly subject to availability. We endeavour to be understanding of any delays you may have ordering.

Please note that all orders will be delivered to you on Monday 19th December 2022 and delivery is included free as part of our service. In the week leading up to delivery date, we will be in contact to ensure you are available to receive goods.

Payment is to be made at delivery and we are accepting cash only at this time.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us via


our tried and tested shortbread, that's perfect every time. 

Plain Shortbread

our classic shortbread brightened with dried cranberry and lemon zest

Cranberry & Lemon Shortbread

our very own recipe, spiced shortbread sandwiched with the perfect raspberry jam. a must try!

Reshi's Jammy Dodgers

with it's apricot and orange peel, it's the perfect snack with your tea or coffee


a christmas must have, full of jammy rum infused filling.

Fruit Mince Tart

not your typical gingerbread man, we have adorable kangaroos that are great for children and adults alike

Kangaroo Gingerbread

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