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Tequeños de Queso

Tequeños, also known as ”Deditos de Queso”. Tequeños are small cheese sticks, rolled in soft dough and fried to a crunchy and delicious perfection. They come in 3 sizes: Container of 20/u, 40/u and 100/u perfect for parties. They come pre-cooked and frozen, ready for reheating in the oven or air fryer.

$20.00 Tequeños 20/u
$35.50 Tequeños 40/u
$73.00 Tequeños 100/u
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Empanadas Venezolanas

Empanadas are crescent-shaped, savory pastries made of dough and filled with delicious Cheese, Beef, Chicken or Pabellon.  They come in 2 sizes medium and mini: Container of Medium 3oz 10/u and Mini 1oz 40/u perfect for parties. They come pre-cooked and frozen ready for reheating in the oven or air fryer            

Empanadas Medium (3oz)

$24.95 Empanadas - Cheese 3oz 10/u
$24.95 Empanadas - Chicken 3oz 10/u
$24.95 Empanadas -  Beef 3oz 10/u

Empanadas Mini Party Size (1.5oz)

$33.50 Empanadas - Cheese 1.5z 25/u
$33.50 Empanadas - Pollo 1.5z 25/u
$33.50 Empanadas - Beef 1.5z 25/u
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Pastelitos Venezolanos

"Pastelitos" are round-shaped, frozen savory turnovers , similar to the empanada, the pastries are made of dough and filled with delicious Cheese, Beef, or Chicken.  They come in  mini sizes of 25/u perfect for parties. They come pre-cooked and frozen ready for reheating in the oven or air fryer            

$32.95 Pastelitos - Cheese 1oz 25/u
$32.95 Pastelitos - Chicken 1oz 25/u
$32.95 Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u
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Cachitos de Jamon y de Queso

Cachitos are our famous Venezuelan ham-filled crescent-shaped rolls.  They come in 1 size: box. Container of 6/u. They come with Ham or Cheese, pre-cooked and frozen ready for reheating in the oven or microwave.            

$12.49 Cachitos de Jamon 6/u
$12.49 Cachitos de Queso 6/u
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Cachapas are rustic and thin Venezuelan corn pancakes made from fresh corn and filled with a soft, fresh cheese.  They are also known as "Sweet Corn Pancakes" or  like our Colombian brothers called them “Arepas de Choclo”. They come in 2 sizes: Container of Cachapas Grandes (7") 5/u and Cachapas Mini (3") 12/u.  They come pre-cooked and frozen ready for reheating in the oven or pan

$14.50 Cachapas Grandes 7" - 5/u
$13.99 Cachapas Mini 3" - 12/u
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Quesos Venezolanos

“Traditional Venezuelan Cheese”, best for eating with our famous Vanezuelan’s “Arepas” and “Cachapas”, including: “Queso Guayanés”,o “Queso de Mano”,  “Queso Telita”, “Queso Rallado Llanero” y  “Queso Blanco Fresco”.  They come weekly fresh form Florida and they hare never frozen.   They come in different containers sizes between 1lb and 2lb, depending of the cheese

$10.49 Queso Guayanez Mini 1lb
$13.49 Queso Mano Grande 1.25lb 3/u
$9.49 Queso Llanero Rayado 1lb 1/u
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Salsas Traditionales Venezolanas

“Traditional Venezuelan Sauces”, for sandwiches, burgers, salads and meats including: Salsa de Ajo, made with garlic and Cilantro. Guasacaca”, made with Avocado & Cilantro Sauce, similar to chimichurri. Salsa Rosada, (Pink Sauce),made with tomato and mayo sauce with special species to make it unique. Nata, traditional and delicious naturally sweet, creamy, silky, and tasty milk cream. They come weekly fresh form Florida and they hare never frozen. They come in different size containers between 8oz and 12oz depending on the sauce.
$9.00 Salsa de Ajo y Cilantro (Garlic Sauce) 12oz
$10.00 Gausacaca 12oz
$9.00 Salsa Rosada 12oz
$1.00 Salsa de Guayaba (1.5oz)
$14.75 Salsa de Guayaba (12oz)
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Christmas Specialty Products

“Traditional Venezuelan Christmas Products, including , "Hallacas", "Bollitos" Spicy and non Spicy and delicious "Pan de Jamon" (ONLY AVAILABLE DURING CHRISMAST HOLIDAYS)


Precooked Cornmeal  dough and stuffed with beef, chicken, raisins, capers and olives and then wrapped in a banana leaf (Venezuelan Tamales).    We also offer by special order of Chicken Hallacas and Veggie Hallacas with a minimum order of 6. Shelf-Life 4 week in the refrigerator


Bollitos Precooked  Cornmeal-dough mix with stew (Beef, Port, Chicken), raisins, olives, capers (leftover filling of hallacas) wrapped in plantain leaves and then placed to cook in boiling water, to eat warm whole or in small portions as appetizers. - shelf Life 4 weeks in the refrigerator

Pan de Jamon

Precooked Cornmeal  dough and stuffed with beef, pork, chicken, raisins, capers and olives and then wrapped in a banana leaf (Venezuelan Tamales) Shelf-LIFE 5 days

Dulce de Lechosa (Out of Stock !!)

This “dulce de Lechosa” is made while the papaya is still green (unripe) and slow cooked in a sweet and delicious syrup flavored with cinnamon, cloves and vanilla. This dessert is not only a traditional favorite of the Dominican Republic, but also in many South American countries and in the Caribbean. The papaya is also known as pawpaw, and in spanish it is called lechosa, mamón, melón de árbol and fruta bomba.  Shelf-LIFE 30-60 days
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Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u - $32.95 Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u - $32.95
Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u - $32.95 Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u - $32.95 Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u - $32.95
Pastelitos - Beef 1oz 25/u
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