Point Vicente Chess Tournament

Welcome to the first Point Vicente Chess Tournament!

DATE: Saturday, May 20th

LOCATION: Point Vicente Elementary School

30540 Rue De La Pierre, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

TOURNAMENT DETAILS: Three Rounds, Swiss Style Each round is 45 minutes: first round at 10am, 11:15am, 12:30pm

Time Control: G/20 (each side has 20 minutes)

Sections: Beginner and Intermediate

AWARDS: Trophies for 1st - 5th place, Medals for 6th - 10th place Awards Ceremony at approximately 1:30pm


Pre-registered Check-in at 9:30am

On-site registration opens at 9am and closes at 9:30am (cash only)

Mandatory Player's meeting at 9:45am

$20 online entry fee per player or $25 cash collected at check-in

CONCESSIONS: Pizza and bottled water will be available for purchase (cash or Venmo only).

By signing up for this tournament, you agree your chess player will abide by the Chess code of conduct: Show good sportsmanship Observe the touch rule Will not distract their opponent or other players Will report their win or loss immediately to the tournament director at the conclusion of each game. Additionally, we need all parents to stay on campus for the duration of the chess tournament. Families will be allowed to go out on the playground, on the blacktop, to the soccer fields, etc. during the tournament - just make sure your chess player comes back to the MPR when when new pairings are posted so we can begin the next round. If this is your first chess tournament - to parents and siblings, it's similar to a sports tournament. Bring chairs, a picnic blanket, food and drinks, and perhaps an umbrella for shade. Send your chess player in comfortable clothing (wear their Point Vicente Chess Club shirt if they have one). 9:30am - 2pm is a long day, so make sure your chess player and your family are comfortable. To avoid distracting the players, the parents and siblings will not be allowed in the MPR during rounds. When they come out of their game, be supportive - this is a completely new experience for most of our chess players, and they may be exhausted from a mentally challenging game regardless of win or loss.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email them to pointvicentechess@gmail.com.

$25.00 $20.00 Tournament Entry Fee