Native Plant Plug Order Fall 2024

**Welcome to the Capital Area Native Plants Group's online plug order!**

What We Do and Why: To help build healthier ecosystems in our neighborhoods, the Capital Area Native Plants Group coordinates bulk purchases of native plant plugs so they can be available to the community at wholesale prices. Plugs for this sale will be ordered from New Moon Nursery. All plugs are neonicitinoid-free.

Placing Your Order: Choose your plants below. Unless otherwise noted, plugs are approx. 2" across and 4.5" in depth. Quantities are limited, so to take advantage of current prices and availability, order as soon as you can! This form will likely be taken down on or around April 1st, but depending on sales could be sooner. Unless otherwise indicated, all plugs will be ordered from New Moon Nursery and are neonicitinoid-free.

**Plants must be picked up on Sept. 28th from 10-4 at the Brentwood Town Hall in Brentwood, MD.** Upon receipt of payment, a link will be emailed to you to sign up for a pick-up slot. Please do not place an order if you can't make arrangements to have plants picked up on Sept. 28th. We will not issue refunds for plants that are not picked up on Sept. 28th.

Making Payment: **You will receive a confirmation email with instructions for submitting payment.** (You do not pay through this form.) Please pay for your order within one week or your order will be cancelled. Payment can be made via Venmo, Paypal, or by dropping off/mailing a check or cash. All relevant payment information will be provided in the confirmation email. Please check your junk mail for the confirmation email if you don't see it shortly after placing your order. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please email so we can provide payment options before your order is cancelled.

Volunteers make these sales happen! If you have time to help sort orders, please sign up to volunteer for the sale on Sept. 27th or Sept. 28th at this link.

Need help? Email questions to We will do our best to respond in a timely fashion!

Please note: Upon occasion, the nursery is unable to provide plants that we have pre-ordered; if you have ordered any species that becomes unavailable or is not received, your payment for that species will be refunded.

**Happy gardening!**

Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
Out of stock
$1.75 Three-Nerved Joe Pye
Out of stock
Out of stock
$1.75 White Turtlehead
Out of stock
Out of stock

Out of stock

Order early to avoid missing out next time

$1.75 Black-eyed Susan
Out of stock
$2.00 Blue False Indigo
Out of stock
$1.75 Blue-stem Goldenrod
Out of stock
$2.00 Butterflyweed
Out of stock
$1.75 Calico Penstemon
Out of stock
$1.75 Cardinal Flower
Out of stock
$1.75 Clustered Mountain Mint
Out of stock
$1.75 Columbine
Out of stock
$1.75 Crimson Bee Balm
Out of stock
$2.00 Culver's Root
Out of stock
$1.75 Field Pussytoes
Out of stock
$1.75 Great Blue Lobelia
Out of stock
$2.00 Hoary Skullcap
Out of stock
$1.75 Little Bluestem
Out of stock
$1.75 New England Aster
Out of stock
$2.25 New Jersey Tea
Out of stock
$2.25 Pennsylvania Sedge
Out of stock

Echinacea purpurea (not native to MD, according to

Purple Coneflower
Out of stock
$1.75 Purple Love Grass
Out of stock
$2.00 Showy Aster
Out of stock
$1.75 Slender Mountain Mint
Out of stock
$2.00 Spotted Bee Balm
Out of stock
$1.75 Swamp Milkweed
Out of stock
$2.00 Sweet goldenrod
Out of stock
$2.00 Upland Ironweed
Out of stock
$2.00 Virginia Anemone
Out of stock
$1.75 Virginia strawberry
Out of stock
$1.75 Whorled Milkweed
Out of stock
$1.75 Wild petunia
Out of stock
$2.00 Woodland Phlox
Out of stock
$1.75 Zig-zag goldenrod
Out of stock
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