Books by Ames Chen - Order Form

Written by local author, Ames Chen, these beautifully illustrated books offer heartfelt stories that help children appreciate the unsung heroes in our society.

New Release

$16.00 $15.00

Melody Ji is confused when her parents tell her they are "going home". How can Singapore be "home" when MJ has lived abroad all her life? Step into a whole new world with MJ - what will this homecoming be like?

Homebound Melody
$16.00 $15.00

What would you do if your classmate slept all the time and had noodles in his hair? Welcome to Bee Hoon Boy’s world! Everyone keeps their distance from Bee Hoon Boy, but is there more to him than meets the eye?

Do we notice that classmate sitting in the corner? Or the classmate everyone makes fun of and who eats alone during recess? What does it mean to look beneath the surface and show kindness in love?

Complete with thought-provoking activities and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the book, Bee Hoon Boy is the perfect read for children ages 4 to 9 (and their parents!).

Beehoon Boy

The Invisible People: Series One

The first three titles in this series looks at a few under the radar careers close to us. We see them everyday, they work in our homes or in our estate. How can we show them we care?


Do you take the bus to school every morning? Can you recall what the driver looks like? Find out how one student tries to save the job of his favourite bus driver. Not just another face in the crowd, but his hero and role model.

Target Readers: 4 to 7years

The Bus Driver

Have you had to say goodbye to a good friend or close family member? Farewells are difficult, even more so for a young child. Follow this little girl on her journey, as she says goodbye to someone precious - the family helper, also her aunty. Not goodbye, but see you again.

Target Readers: 4 to 7years

Aunty Goes Home

Have you ever wondered who works behind those signs that say ‘Danger, do not enter’? One little curious boy did. Join him on his adventure as he gains more than he expected—not just answers, but friendship and a heart of gratitude.

Target Readers: 4 to 7years

Uncles at Work
$38.00 Three Title Bundle (Series One)

The Invisible People: Series Two

The second series takes a wider view now, branching into occupations sometimes looked down upon by others. How can we change our minds about these truly essential workers?


Uncle Lin is a neighbour who works as a security guard. One day, Mrs Lin comes over to ask mum for help when he did not come home at his usual time, and the family helps her to locate him. 

Target Readers: 4 to 7years

The Night Shift

A little girl witnesses the pride her ah gong has in his work and learns to stand up for him when an incident happens at the food court where he works. 

Target Readers: 4 to 7years

Ah Gong's Uniform

Our postman is Aunty who delivers letters and parcels on her bicycle. But Aunty Postman does a lot more than that for us - she is our family friend. 

Target Readers: 4 to 7years

Aunty Postman
$38.00 Three Title Bundle (Series Two)


The Invisible People: Mandarin Editions

$14.00 阿公心爱的工作服
$14.00 巴士司机
$26.00 Two Title Bundle(中文版)

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