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Citrus order form

Welcome to our online citrus order form.

We are the same crew that has been bringing you the amazing oranges to Utah for years.

Picked ripe oranges that come from over 100 year old trees! Straight from the orchard to you. No washing, waxing, or gasing; which all contributes to their incredible organic flavor. Oranges that are exceptionally sweet and juicy!!

The ORANGES are sold by the box in the corresponding sizes below.

We guarantee our fruit to be amazing when you order with us.

$2.50 per lb

This is our smallest sized box.

California Navel Oranges - 18 lb. box
$2.50 per lb

Keep in mind our oranges store well. If kept cold they store for weeks. We personally keep our oranges over a month in refridgeration!

California Navel Oranges - 26 lb. box..
$2.38 per lb

Best box deal! Great size for a family. Just store in a cool garage, basement, or better yet the fridge.

California Navel Oranges - 40 lb. box (Banana Box Size)
$3.00 per lb

A type of grapefruit, but sweeter and very juicy. Has a thick rind.

Oro Blanco (White Gold) - 8 lb bag

Out of this world SWEET & JUICY! Like a cutie, but sooooo much better. Very tender fleshy inside. A MUST have!!!

Gold Nugget Mandarines! - 10 lb box